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October 12, 2012 / beatofyourlife

Becoming Millionaire in an Instant

It is believed that getting rich is possible if you were born in rich family or if you work hard to achieve success in your business life. However, for those who are not prosperous by nature or do not want to spend their best years on work in order to buy a Cadillac for their retirement, there is a third way – coming up with a right idea in a right moment. Successful startup can make you a millionaire in an instant, and personally I find this concept pretty attractive. Here are the examples of prosperous out-of-blue-businessmen which can give you inspiration.

Catherine and David Cook, for instance, your shy siblings who did not managed to make friends in a new school in New Jersey. So, they created My in 2005 for this purpose. In 2011 Quepasa Corporation bought this social network for $ 100 million. What started as a teenage project for fun has suddenly brought millions to the Cook siblings.

Everybody knows that Mark Zuckerberg is the most influential figure in the FaceBook empire. However, there are other startups heroes whose names are also worth mentioning. One of them is Kevin Systrom, who developed the photo-sharing program at the age of twenty. Zuckerberg bought this app, which is nowadays known as Instagram, for a billion of dollars.

Aaron Patzer, like many other young people found difficulty in managing his finances. He organized online to solve this problem. Three years later Intuit Company bought it for $ 170 million. So, this service solved the financial problems of at least Patzer himself.

All these example prove that if you are young and short of money it does not mean that you will not become a millionaire in a few years. On the contrary, it can be a good motivation to come up with some interesting idea.

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