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November 13, 2012 / beatofyourlife

When It Is Time to Change Job

If you wake up every day in bad mood due to the fact that you have to go to work again, if you feel depressed on Sundays because the weekend is nearly over, if you suffer from headache for no obvious reason it may mean that you have had enough of your job and it is time to find something else. However, the reasons of this working crisis can be different as well, so do not hurry with your conclusion.

For instance, even a favorite job can become unbearable if your working days have caused chronic fatigue. So, before making final decision take a vacation and make a break. Besides, personal problems can also exhaust you and decrease the level of your efficiency at work. Bad state of your health and violation of your daily schedule also leads to conflicts and mistakes in your business sphere.

Another reason of dissatisfaction with your job is your disability to manage your time properly. May be you are in a constant stress due to the fact that you can not find time for your friends, relatives and personal activities. Divide your day into two parts – business and personal, and do not mix up these two spheres of your life together. Start putting your plans down in your organizer and check the list of your duties before giving any new promise to make sure you can perform one more task.

Your personal qualities can also become the reason of your desire to change job. If you are a perfectionist you may think that you are bound to cope with every task you have as well as possible or even better. Excessive demands can lead to nervous brain-fag, so try practicing more relaxed attitude to your professional duties.

The only solid indicator that it is time to change job is the fact that you clearly know what you want. It can be the job in the company which is smaller or bigger, or office situated near your house, or the change of profession. But the reason like “I have had enough” is no t sufficient for changes in your professional sphere.

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